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Information for Our Community

Whether you are part of our community or are interested in joining us, we welcome you to Washington University School of Medicine.


Executive Management Fellowship

Program Structure

Year One

During the first year of the Executive Management Fellowship, the fellow will:

  1. Shadow key executives including:
    • Executive Vice Chancellor for Medical Affairs and Dean
    • Associate Vice Chancellor for Administration and Finance
    • Associate Vice Chancellor for Clinical Affairs
    • Associate Dean for Research
    • Senior Associate Dean for Education
  2. Complete rotations related to central administrative, compliance and academic functions in areas such as:
    • Human Resources
    • Finance
    • Faculty Practice Plan Management
    • Clinical/Pre-clinical Department Executive Management
    • Strategic Planning
    • Facilities
    • Central IT Services
    • Research Administration
    • Human Research Protection Office
    • Billing Compliance
    • Clinical Studies
    • Student Admissions
    • Curriculum Planning
    • Medical Library
    • Other administrative areas as assigned
  3. Identify and undertake a project that complements their interests and background and is of significance to the School of Medicine

Year Two

In the second year, the fellow will select an area of focus intended to complement their interests and background and will fulfill a management operations role within a specific area of the medical school.

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