Amanda R. Emke, MD

Amanda R. Emke, MD, assistant professor of pediatrics, is recognized for outstanding achievements in the development of new teaching methodologies and assessment tools to advance the overall quality of graduate medical education.
Emke, a nationally recognized physician-educator, currently serves as the course master for pre-clinical pediatrics at Washington University and is the associate fellowship director of pediatric critical care. Emke has developed an innovative assessment system for critical care medicine fellows that includes both daily clinical-based and quarterly thematic assessments to identify early performance gaps and enhance self-directed learning. She and her mentors helped to pioneer and expand the use of team-based learning (TBL) in pre-clinical graduate medical education, which ultimately proved to enhance both learning acquisition and knowledge retention. She has led many sessions to increase awareness and promote the use of her TBL curriculum methodologies across the country and internationally. She received a grant from the national Team-Based Learning Collaborative to evaluate the use of a novel assessment of professionalism in TBL. She is a 2015 recipient of a Carol B. and Jerome T. Loeb Teaching Fellowship at Washington University School of Medicine to further her efforts using these paired self- and peer-assessments of professionalism in preclinical medical students.
In addition to her leadership to develop and incorporate active learning methodologies and valid assessments into medical education, Emke is known as a superb clinician. She is actively engaged in the education of her students, residents and fellows, and she received the Outstanding Teacher in a Subspecialty Award from the pediatric residents at St. Louis Children’s Hospital. She is considered by her peers to be the impetus behind the Critical Care Division’s receipt of the Outstanding Division Teaching Award.
Emke earned her medical degree from the University of Missouri-Columbia. She completed her residency in pediatrics and her fellowship in pediatric critical care medicine at Washington University and St. Louis Children’s Hospital. She joined the faculty in 2005.