Topic: Medicine / John T. Milliken Department April 22, 2020 Diabetes reversed in mice with genetically edited stem cells derived from patientsCRISPR corrects genetic defect so cells can normalize blood sugar.News Release April 16, 2020 COVID-19 survivors needed to donate blood plasmaPlasma transfusion program launched at Washington University, Barnes-Jewish Hospital.News Release April 16, 2020 Research in most university labs moved from bench to internetSome labs remain active, with focus switched to COVID-19.Medical Campus & Community April 13, 2020 Podcast: Clinical trials launch to evaluate antimalarial, antidepressant drugs to treat COVID-19Repurposing of FDA-approved drugs is fastest way to launch COVID-19 clinical trials.Podcast, Show Me the Science April 13, 2020 Study to evaluate antidepressant as potential COVID-19 treatmentDrug fluvoxamine may help prevent life-threatening ‘cytokine storm’.News Release April 3, 2020 With low supplies, DIY medical gear is on the riseSource: NPR Science Friday April 3, 2020 Medical clinic shifts approach to patient care to defend against COVID-19FEMA disaster management strategy guides rapid turnaround.News Release March 27, 2020 Why ‘death rates’ from coronavirus can be deceivingSource: NPR March 23, 2020 Possible COVID-19 treatment: transfusion of antibodies from recovered patients’ bloodCentury-old idea applied to modern pandemic.News Release March 19, 2020 Immunotherapy using ‘young cells’ offers promising option against cancerStudy in mouse, human cells suggests unique anti-cancer properties of such a therapy.News Release March 16, 2020 Breast milk may help prevent sepsis in preemiesKeeps gut bacteria from moving into bloodstream.News Release March 5, 2020 School of Medicine physicians, researchers tackle coronavirusClinical teams ready; research for vaccines, drugs underway.News Release March 3, 2020 Immune cells play surprising role in heart, mouse study suggestsImmune system’s B cells appear to influence how heart develops, beats.News Release March 3, 2020 Radiation therapy for colon cancer works better when specific protein blockedTargeting protein helps radiation destroy tumor cells while preserving healthy tissue.News Release February 26, 2020 Revving up immune system may help treat eczemaBoosting natural killer cells in mice improves skin rash.News Release, Video February 25, 2020 Mother’s death sets twin scientists on journey to find precision cancer therapiesDatabase matches drugs to specific cancer mutations.Outlook Magazine February 24, 2020 Diabetes in mice cured rapidly using human stem cell strategyNew technique efficiently converts human stem cells into insulin-producing cells.News Release January 29, 2020 Immune responses to tuberculosis mapped across 3 speciesDetailed genetic road map will guide research into TB treatments, vaccines.News Release January 23, 2020 ‘Jumping genes’ help stabilize DNA folding patternsLong understood as source of novel genetic traits, jumping genes also provide genomic stability.News Release January 23, 2020 High-protein diets boost artery-clogging plaque, mouse study showsSuch diets lead to weight loss but could increase heart attack risk.News Release January 3, 2020 Food for thoughtUnderstanding obesity by examining nutrition and metabolism.Outlook Magazine December 17, 2019 White named chair in palliative medicine and supportive careBecomes inaugural holder of Stokes Family Endowed Chair.News Release December 3, 2019 Halting opioid abuse aim of several grants from NIH, CDCDozens of grants awarded nationwide in search of answers to addiction, deaths.News Release November 26, 2019 Drug-resistant staph can spread easily in household environmentsResearch reinforces need for frequent hand washing.News Release Posts navigation ‹ Prev 1 … 9 10 11 12 13 … 18 Next ›