Topic: Pathology & Immunology Department January 20, 2021 For some, GI tract may be vulnerable to COVID-19 infectionPeople with Barrett’s esophagus have SARS-CoV-2 receptors in upper GI tract.News Release December 8, 2020 Bateman, Diamond, Hultgren named to National Academy of InventorsSchool of Medicine scientists honored for innovation.News Release November 18, 2020 Lethal brain infections in mice thwarted by decoy moleculeDiscovery of receptor, generation of decoy could help contain outbreaks of Venezuelan equine encephalitis virus.News Release November 13, 2020 Study: Respiratory failure in COVID-19 usually not driven by cytokine stormFindings indicate anti-inflammatory drugs likely to benefit only a fraction of people with severe disease.News Release November 3, 2020 Cornea appears to resist infection from novel coronavirusOther viruses, such as Zika and herpes simplex, replicate in corneal tissue.News Release October 13, 2020 Role of gut viruses in inflammatory bowel disease is focus of $8.5 million grantTools developed to probe the virome could aid in variety of research .News Release September 24, 2020 Antibodies protect against wide range of influenza B virus strainsFindings point the way to developing a broad-spectrum flu drug.News Release September 14, 2020 Immune system affects mind and body, study indicatesImmune cells produce molecule that influences vigilance, alertness in mice.News Release August 31, 2020 Study provides insight on how to build a better flu vaccineNew approach enables scientists to see how immune system responds to vaccination.News Release August 27, 2020 Identifying emerging diseases focus of new international collaborationSchool of Medicine to become 1 of 10 sites under new Centers for Research in Emerging Infectious Diseases.News Release August 21, 2020 Nasal vaccine against COVID-19 prevents infection in miceNasal delivery produces more widespread immune response than intramuscular injection.News Release August 19, 2020 New center to explore brain, immune system connectionsDiscoveries will aid efforts to develop immune therapies for neurological diseases.News Release August 11, 2020 Immunotherapy-resistant cancers eliminated in mouse studyAntibody that blocks TREM2 protein frees immune cells to reject cancer.News Release July 20, 2020 Lab-made virus mimics COVID-19 virusIs safer to work with, can aid efforts to find drugs, vaccines.News Release July 15, 2020 Loeb Teaching Fellows announcedHagemann, Mian, Miller-Thomas awarded fellowships for 2020-22.Medical Campus & Community July 14, 2020 Gut bacteria protect against mosquito-borne viral illnessChikungunya-infected mice with healthy microbiomes less sick, less likely to spread infection.News Release June 25, 2020 Neidorffs commit $5 million to honor distinguished cliniciansGift to establish endowed professorships recognizing Robert C. Packman, John S. Daniels.News Release June 12, 2020 Podcast: How do we safely navigate re-openings while coronavirus risks remain?This episode of 'Show Me the Science' focuses on how best to fend off COVID-19 as restrictions are lifted.Podcast, Show Me the Science June 10, 2020 COVID-19 mouse model will speed search for drugs, vaccinesCould aid efforts to study risk factors for severe illness, death.News Release June 2, 2020 Podcast: Addressing rumors, conspiracy theories related to coronavirusThis episode of 'Show Me the Science' focuses on social media, unfounded rumors and conspiracies.Podcast, Show Me the Science June 2, 2020 Antibiotic-destroying genes widespread in bacteria in soil and on peopleChemical compound restores tetracycline's effectiveness by blocking bacterial resistance.News Release, Video May 29, 2020 Burnham recognized by national microbiology societyHonored for research and leadership in clinical microbiology.National Leaders May 26, 2020 Experts urge caution in interpreting COVID-19 antibody testsFalse positive results are cause for concern.News Release May 1, 2020 Obesity prevented in mice treated with gene-disabling nanoparticlesStrategy uses particles to target gene in specific immune cells.News Release Posts navigation ‹ Prev 1 … 3 4 5 6 7 … 10 Next ›