Topic: Pathology & Immunology Department April 30, 2018 Bacteria’s appetite may be key to cleaning up antibiotic contaminationAntibiotics in environment contribute to drug resistance.News Release April 18, 2018 Psoriasis treated with compound derived from immune cellsCompound may be effective against other autoimmune diseases, mouse study shows.News Release April 12, 2018 How highly contagious norovirus infection gets its startVirus infects rare intestinal cells in mice; findings point to therapeutic strategy.News Release April 5, 2018 Cooper named director of center for primary immunodeficienciesNewly established Jeffrey Modell Diagnostic and Research Center is at SLCH. March 27, 2018 Antibiotic use increases risk of severe viral disease in miceKilling gut bacteria with drugs weakens immune response.News Release February 22, 2018 NCI director visiting Med Campus on Feb. 27Sharpless to participate in scientific symposium, town hall meeting.Medical Campus & Community February 21, 2018 Similarities found in cancer initiation in kidney, liver, stomach, pancreasPotential for therapies that interfere with early cancer growth.News Release February 19, 2018 LEAP Inventor Challenge awards five Washington University research teamsFunding will help researchers turn ideas into commercially viable products and services.Medical Campus & Community January 31, 2018 Burnham recognized by two medical societiesHonored for expertise in infectious diseases, microbiology.National Leaders January 31, 2018 ID’ing features of flu virus genome may help target surveillance for pandemic fluFindings may help health experts know which strains to watch.News Release January 19, 2018 Obituary: Leonard Jarett, former director of laboratory medicine, 81School of Medicine alum joined faculty in 1966.Obituaries January 11, 2018 Memory loss from West Nile virus may be preventableStudy in mice paves way to treatments.News Release December 11, 2017 $3.9 million supports research to turn bacteria into biofuel producersMedical, engineering schools team up to create biofuels independent of food crops.News Release December 4, 2017 Pursuing a precision paradigmMedical school experts describe the move from current standards of care to a more personalized approach to treatment.Source: Washington Magazine November 28, 2017 Oltz named editor-in-chief of immunology journalAlso recently honored for service to immunology association, community.National Leaders November 20, 2017 Seven faculty named 2017 AAAS fellowsCaparon, Colditz, Cooper, Diamond, Dutcher, Eberlein and Gross honored.News Release November 8, 2017 How cells detect, mend DNA damage may improve chemotherapyTargeting pathway could increase potency of some current drugs .News Release September 25, 2017 Antibody protects against both Zika and dengue, mouse study showsTreating pregnant women before infection may protect fetuses from Zika.News Release September 11, 2017 Schreiber awarded Balzan Prize for pioneering cancer researchInternational honor recognizes scholarly and scientific achievements.News Release September 5, 2017 Zika virus kills brain cancer stem cellsVirus potentially could be used to treat deadly disease.News Release August 24, 2017 Washington University sets records in innovation, entrepreneurshipRecord number of patent filings, invention disclosures, startups and more.Medical Campus & Community August 10, 2017 Alzheimer’s risk linked to energy shortage in brain’s immune cellsEnergizing the cells in mice limits damage to neurons.News Release August 3, 2017 Protein-rich diet may help soothe inflamed gutMice fed tryptophan develop immune cells that foster a tolerant gut.News Release August 3, 2017 Natural compound coupled with specific gut microbes may prevent severe fluMouse study reveals how gut microbes fight influenza.News Release Posts navigation ‹ Prev 1 … 6 7 8 9 10 Next ›