Topic: Radiology / Mallinckrodt Institute December 10, 2019 Why doesn’t deep-brain stimulation work for everyone?Personalized brain maps could improve treatment for Parkinson's disease, other neurological conditions.News Release November 22, 2019 Brain imaging of babies with Down syndrome focus of $11.5 million grantSchool of Medicine leading multicenter study aimed at understanding brain development in babies with the condition.News Release July 25, 2019 Dehdashti named Siegel Professor of RadiologyRecognized for using imaging to diagnose cancer, guide treatments.News Release July 24, 2019 Culver named Sherwood Moore Professor of RadiologyRecognized for using light to map the brain.News Release June 20, 2019 Duncan named chief of interventional radiologyFocus of work is image-guided procedures as alternatives to surgery.News Release April 30, 2019 $5.1 million to target silent cause of heart attacks, strokesFunding supports effort to identify, treat vulnerable plaque in arteries.News Release March 25, 2019 Picus receives Gold Medal from interventional radiology societyRecognized for enhancing patient care through imaging.National Leaders February 25, 2019 Woodard named Wilson Professor of RadiologyRecognized for accomplishments in cardiovascular imaging and research.News Release February 13, 2019 People with persistent leg pain after blood clot needed for studyTrial evaluates whether improving blood flow in legs reduces disability.News Release February 6, 2019 On the frontiers of psychiatryPhysician-scientists aim to reduce the impact of mental illness on society.Outlook Magazine February 4, 2019 Scans show women’s brains remain youthful as male brains wind downSource: NPR February 4, 2019 Women’s brains appear three years younger than men’sMay explain why women more likely to stay mentally sharp in later years.News Release January 21, 2019 Blood test detects Alzheimer’s damage before symptomsTest also may identify neurodegeneration in other brain diseases, injuries.News Release January 11, 2019 Penney named vice chair for community radiologyWill oversee clinical radiology services at community hospitals .News Release January 4, 2019 Poplack named Evens Endowed Chair in Women’s HealthHonored for improving breast imaging.News Release December 7, 2018 $6.3 million for center to develop new tracers for PET scansCould improve early diagnosis, precision medicine for cancer, atherosclerosis, other diseases.News Release November 20, 2018 MRI scans shows promise in predicting dementiaBrain changes evident in scans before memory, cognitive decline.News Release November 2, 2018 $3 million to help expand Wolfram syndrome researchGrant to renew annual clinic, advance understanding of rare disorder.News Release October 30, 2018 Vo named chief of neuroradiologyAlso director of advanced stroke and cerebrovascular imaging, Vo had served as interim chief.News Release October 17, 2018 Mysteries exploredPioneering neurologist Marcus Raichle, MD, opened up the human brain to scientific investigation.Outlook Magazine September 24, 2018 Overlooked signal in MRI scans reflects amount, kind of brain cellsData may aid diagnosis of brain conditions, shed light on brain development.News Release August 31, 2018 Siegel named fellow of nuclear medicine societyHonored for work applying PET scans to cancer diagnosis, treatment .National Leaders August 10, 2018 Jennings named chief of musculoskeletal radiologyNoted for innovation in field of musculoskeletal interventions.News Release July 20, 2018 Woodard named to American College of Radiology boardWill serve as chair of Board of Chancellors' Commission on Research.National Leaders Posts navigation ‹ Prev 1 2 3 4 5 6 Next ›