Topic: Research March 5, 2020 School of Medicine physicians, researchers tackle coronavirusClinical teams ready; research for vaccines, drugs underway.News Release March 4, 2020 Addictive vape products surge in popularity among teenagers"We were in the midst of a growing epidemic".Outlook Magazine March 3, 2020 Immune cells play surprising role in heart, mouse study suggestsImmune system’s B cells appear to influence how heart develops, beats.News Release March 3, 2020 New center promotes healthy workplacesResearch to focus on opioid use, healthy diet, exercise, injury avoidance.Medical Campus & Community February 26, 2020 Revving up immune system may help treat eczemaBoosting natural killer cells in mice improves skin rash.News Release, Video February 24, 2020 Diabetes in mice cured rapidly using human stem cell strategyNew technique efficiently converts human stem cells into insulin-producing cells.News Release February 18, 2020 Why Zika virus caused most harmful brain damage to Brazilian newbornsFindings help explain why microcephaly cases less common in other Zika outbreaks.News Release February 14, 2020 Hematology society recognizes four School of Medicine researchersASH Scholar Awards support fellows to junior faculty in hematology.National Leaders February 13, 2020 Fight against endometrial cancer boosted with new molecular road mapDetailed analysis reveals new drug targets.News Release February 12, 2020 Morris awarded Sloan Research FellowshipDevelopmental biologist recognized for promising early-career research.National Leaders February 12, 2020 Collaboration with SLU leads to purchase of $5 million microscopeWill allow shared access to imaging center, enhance biomedical research.News Release February 10, 2020 Investigational drugs didn’t slow memory loss, cognitive decline in rare, inherited Alzheimer’s, initial analysis indicatesTop-line data reported from international trial.News Release February 5, 2020 Breast cancer prevention trial underwayOsteoporosis drug investigated in premenopausal women to see if it reduces breast density.News Release February 5, 2020 Gene ID’d as potential therapeutic target for dementia in Parkinson’sTargeting gene linked to Alzheimer’s may reduce dementia risk in Parkinson’s.News Release February 3, 2020 Noise-induced hearing loss blocked with drug compoundSignals that cause damage blocked in mice.News Release January 29, 2020 Immune responses to tuberculosis mapped across 3 speciesDetailed genetic road map will guide research into TB treatments, vaccines.News Release January 23, 2020 ‘Jumping genes’ help stabilize DNA folding patternsLong understood as source of novel genetic traits, jumping genes also provide genomic stability.News Release January 23, 2020 High-protein diets boost artery-clogging plaque, mouse study showsSuch diets lead to weight loss but could increase heart attack risk.News Release January 17, 2020 Walter named Edward P. Evans Endowed ProfessorOncologist honored for research, patient care in myelodysplastic syndromes.News Release January 16, 2020 $29 million for new phase of international Alzheimer’s studyResearch focuses on precisely how the disease develops in the brain.News Release January 15, 2020 Mutations in donors’ stem cells may cause problems for cancer patientsHeart problems, graft-versus-host disease are concerns.News Release January 13, 2020 Investigational drugs block bone loss in mice receiving chemotherapyCulprit identified in bone loss from cancer therapy.News Release January 3, 2020 Food for thoughtUnderstanding obesity by examining nutrition and metabolism.Outlook Magazine December 26, 2019 Proton therapy as effective as standard radiation with fewer side effectsLower hospitalization rates following proton therapy could offset its higher upfront cost compared with standard radiation therapy.News Release Posts navigation ‹ Prev 1 … 19 20 21 22 23 … 48 Next ›