Topic: Research October 26, 2018 The underestimated cerebellum gains new respect from brain scientistsSource: NPR October 25, 2018 Mind’s quality control center found in long-ignored brain areaCerebellum checks and corrects thoughts, movement.News Release October 18, 2018 It’s safe to use skin creams before radiation therapySkin creams do not increase radiation doses for cancer patients.News Release October 17, 2018 Mysteries exploredPioneering neurologist Marcus Raichle, MD, opened up the human brain to scientific investigation.Outlook Magazine October 15, 2018 New child maltreatment research center launched with $6.5 million NIH grantMultidisciplinary center includes Constantino's research on newborns.News Release October 11, 2018 Obesity linked to increased risk of early-onset colorectal cancerStudy highlights importance of weight control for cancer prevention among younger population.News Release October 9, 2018 When giving birth for the first time, push awaySource: NPR October 9, 2018 Scoliosis linked to essential mineralChildren with severely curved spines may be unable to use manganese.News Release October 8, 2018 Implantable, biodegradable devices speed nerve regeneration in ratsPulses of electrical stimulation help heal injured nerves.News Release October 8, 2018 Both sides of the brain are active during one-sided arm movementSource: The Scientist October 4, 2018 Viruses in blood lead to digestive problemsMouse study provides clues to sudden onset of digestive woes.News Release October 2, 2018 Building independenceFor 100 years, the occupational therapy program has helped people engage mind and body.Outlook Magazine October 2, 2018 DeSelm honored by NIH for innovative cancer researchRadiation oncologist selected for High-Risk, High-Reward Research Program.News Release September 26, 2018 Roundtable on opioids brings HHS leaders to Medical CampusOfficials tour research lab focused on fighting opioid addiction.Medical Campus & Community September 24, 2018 Overlooked signal in MRI scans reflects amount, kind of brain cellsData may aid diagnosis of brain conditions, shed light on brain development.News Release September 24, 2018 Washington University joins network for solving rare medical mysteriesUndiagnosed diseases network seeks to explain medical conditions with no known cause.News Release September 12, 2018 Genetic testing helps predict disease recurrence in myelodysplastic syndromeLikelihood of recurrence high if mutations detectable after stem cell transplant.News Release September 4, 2018 Scientists identify weak point in deadly eye melanomaPlant compound shuts down tumor growth.News Release September 4, 2018 New clues found to understanding relapse in breast cancerTumor mutations found in patients point to progressive disease.News Release August 30, 2018 Experimental drug shows promise as multiple sclerosis treatmentBrain’s shrinking slows with drug.News Release August 23, 2018 Alzheimer’s one day may be predicted during eye examNoninvasive test may screen for disease before symptoms appear.News Release August 23, 2018 Natural sugar defends against metabolic syndrome, in miceTrehalose blocks glucose from liver.News Release August 14, 2018 Before It BeginsFamily, researchers team up to cure — or even prevent — Alzheimer’s disease.Outlook Magazine August 9, 2018 Scientists uncover new details in how sense of smell developsFindings could help determine how dogs evolved such good noses.News Release Posts navigation ‹ Prev 1 … 27 28 29 30 31 … 48 Next ›