Topic: Research August 2, 2016 Study finds marker of aggressive prostate cancerMay inform future tests to help doctors decide how best to treat prostate tumors.News Release July 27, 2016 Antibodies identified that thwart Zika virus infectionCould lead to vaccines, diagnostic tests and therapies.News Release July 26, 2016 Study identifies neural circuits involved in making risky decisionsIs a bird in the hand worth two in the bush?.News Release July 20, 2016 Map provides detailed picture of how the brain is organizedWill help neurological, psychiatric research.News Release July 19, 2016 Potential new target identified for treating itchFindings suggest nerve receptors work in concert to transmit itch signals.News Release July 14, 2016 Ability to turn off genes in brain crucial for learning, memoryMice unable to shut off genes in brain develop faulty wiring.News Release June 22, 2016 Memory loss caused by West Nile virus explainedStudy identifies targets for prevention, treatment.News Release June 21, 2016 $4 million grant expands major study to find Alzheimer’s prevention treatmentsInvestigators will accelerate drug testing, develop new diagnostic measures .News Release June 17, 2016 America’s growing problemAverting the lifelong health risks and spiraling social costs of childhood obesity.Outlook Magazine June 13, 2016 New insight into role of amyloid beta in Alzheimer’s diseaseStudies hint at therapeutic strategies against devastating disease.News Release June 2, 2016 New clues found to immune system’s misfiring in autoimmune diseasesGene variants mapped to DNA regions that regulate immune cells.News Release June 2, 2016 Gut microbes’ metabolite dampens proliferation of intestinal stem cellsFinding may provide clues to limitations of potential IBD treatment .News Release May 25, 2016 Itching for no reason? Immune system may be at faultResearchers identify irregularities that may cause itching.News Release May 19, 2016 Genomics aids diagnosis of unusual chronic meningitis caseThe culprit: A bacterium more commonly linked to acne.News Release May 19, 2016 How did cardinals get those bright red feathers?Researchers find gene responsible for red color in birds.News Release May 11, 2016 Brain imaging links Alzheimer’s decline to tau proteinTau is better marker of progression to Alzheimer’s disease than amyloid beta.News Release May 11, 2016 Mouse models of Zika in pregnancy show how fetuses become infectedMice provide tool to test vaccines, therapeutics, understand Zika biology in pregnancy.News Release May 9, 2016 Small brain area plays key role in making everyday decisionsArea's neurons then can re-map to make different decisions when circumstances change.News Release May 5, 2016 Popular heartburn drugs may cause serious kidney damageResearch indicates proton pump inhibitors should be used only sparingly.News Release May 4, 2016 Newborn screening test developed for rare, deadly neurological disorderGoal is to speed diagnosis and treatment of Niemann-Pick type C.News Release May 4, 2016 High-fructose diet during pregnancy may harm placenta, restrict fetal growthDrug prescribed to treat gout, kidney stones may negate the sugar's ill effects.News Release April 29, 2016 Breast milk linked to significant early brain growth in preemiesPreemies fed mostly breast milk had larger brains by their due dates than those who consumed small amounts or none.News Release April 29, 2016 Kids with more daily stress have more nightly asthma awakeningsSource: Reuters April 26, 2016 Graduated driver licensing laws linked to reduced teen drinkingStates with stricter laws that ease teens into driving have lower rates of teen alcohol use.News Release Posts navigation ‹ Prev 1 … 37 38 39 40 41 … 48 Next ›