Topic: Uncategorized September 8, 2016 Consortium to investigate tau buildup in Alzheimer’s diseaseSchool of Medicine researchers will collaborate with pharmaceutical companies.News Release September 8, 2016 Scientists find culprit responsible for calcified blood vessels in kidney diseaseStem cell finding informs research to prevent hardening of arteries.News Release September 7, 2016 Incoming medical students receive crash course in health disparitiesOrientation program focuses on caring for underprivileged patients.Medical Campus & Community September 6, 2016 Zika may persist in eyes and play a role in spreading virusSource: Washington Post September 6, 2016 Perceptions of pregnancy during medical training are changingSource: Reuters September 1, 2016 Even with genetic predisposition for lung cancer, quitting smoking reduces riskBreaking habit also halves lung cancer risk.News Release September 1, 2016 Senior driving: Read this before making car-key decisionsSource: U.S. News & World Report August 31, 2016 New center focuses on women’s and men’s reproductive healthScientists' collaborations will include Zika virus, preterm birth, infertility.News Release August 30, 2016 Doctors continue to use some treatments despite evidence that they don’t helpSource: Washington Post August 29, 2016 University to host Alan Alda ‘Communicating Science’ workshopsSymposium Sept. 26-29 aimed at helping scientists share news of their work.Medical Campus & Community August 26, 2016 Bloom awarded for contributions to physical therapyAward honors contributions to field through clinical practice.National Leaders August 25, 2016 Study of grandmothers seeks clues about genetics of autismResearch to assess how traits of autism may pass through the generations.News Release August 24, 2016 Obesity is linked to at least 13 types of cancerSource: New York Times August 19, 2016 Lang named chair of NIH study sectionWill lead team charged with evaluating musculoskeletal impairments, potential therapies.National Leaders August 19, 2016 Two medical students named Howard Hughes fellowsDistinguished award offers a year of mentored research.Medical Campus & Community August 18, 2016 Michalski elected radiation oncology co-chair of NCI steering committeeGroup evaluates, prioritizes national clinical trials.National Leaders August 17, 2016 Acetaminophen does not worsen children’s asthma symptomsOver-the-counter pain reliever and fever reducer can be given safely to kids with mild asthma.News Release August 17, 2016 Sadler receives award from American Society of HematologyHonor recognizes basic research in bleeding and clotting disorders.National Leaders August 16, 2016 Why we might be wrong about HDL cholesterolSource: Time August 15, 2016 $10.4 million awarded for pancreatic cancer researchFederal grant will fund new ways of treating deadliest form of the disease.News Release August 11, 2016 High and low levels of ‘good cholesterol’ may cause premature deathIntermediate levels may increase longevity.News Release August 11, 2016 Are you your microbiome? Ed Yong explains it allSource: Gizmodo (Australia) August 9, 2016 New study shows breast tumors evolve in response to hormone therapyAnalysis of single tumor sample inadequate to provide best treatment.News Release August 8, 2016 Beneficial role clarified for brain protein associated with mad cow diseaseProtein helps maintain nerve function over lifespan.News Release Posts navigation ‹ Prev 1 … 30 31 32 33 34 … 43 Next ›