Topic: Uncategorized August 5, 2016 How the venomous, egg-laying platypus evolvedSource: National Geographic August 3, 2016 High school student awarded for work on Ebola protein from batsSchool of Medicine professor mentored student.Medical Campus & Community August 2, 2016 Study finds marker of aggressive prostate cancerMay inform future tests to help doctors decide how best to treat prostate tumors.News Release August 2, 2016 Van Dillen honored by physical therapy associationHas been key in advancing clinical practice and research regarding low back pain.National Leaders August 1, 2016 National Cancer Institute acting director to visit Medical Campus on Friday, Aug. 5Douglas R. Lowy, MD, will discuss National Cancer Moonshot Initiative.Medical Campus & Community July 28, 2016 Technology alone may not close disparities in medical researchSource: Reuters July 28, 2016 Use of internet in medical research may hinder recruitment of minorities, poorRace, education, socioeconomic factors all linked to lower online participation .News Release July 27, 2016 Hackett named Dodge Scholar in PediatricsHighly regarded neonatologist noted for excellence in clinical care, mentoring.Medical Campus & Community July 27, 2016 Kyei receives Young Physician-Scientist awardAward recognizes young physician-scientists with notable research achievements.National Leaders July 27, 2016 Rajagopal awarded Young Physician-Scientist honorAward recognizes young physician-scientists with notable research achievements.National Leaders July 27, 2016 Prostate cancer isn’t colorblindSource: New York Times July 22, 2016 Researchers just doubled what we know about the map of the human brainSource: The Washington Post July 21, 2016 Medical student receives prestigious fellowship to research nerve injuryAlpha Omega Alpha National Honor Medical Society honors Alexandra Keane.Medical Campus & Community July 21, 2016 Doctors paid by drug companies more likely to use those companies’ medsResearchers analyzed data regarding ophthalmologists.News Release July 20, 2016 Updated brain map identifies nearly 100 new regionsSource: New York Times July 19, 2016 Obituary: Jessie L. Ternberg, professor emerita of surgery, surgery in pediatrics, 92The first female surgical resident at Barnes, Ternberg served for decades at the School of Medicine and St. Louis Children’s Hospital.Obituaries July 19, 2016 Potential new target identified for treating itchFindings suggest nerve receptors work in concert to transmit itch signals.News Release July 18, 2016 Genetic error that increases risk of aortic rupture identifiedStudy sheds light on unexplained enlargement, weakening of aorta.News Release July 18, 2016 Stem cells engineered to grow cartilage, fight inflammationTechnique uses 3-D weaving to grow a living hip replacement .News Release July 14, 2016 Study aims to find clues to breast cancer outcomes in African-American womenMost past genetic research has analyzed DNA from women of European ancestry.News Release July 12, 2016 In predicting a stroke’s toll, location matters, but so do connectionsSource: Los Angeles Times July 7, 2016 Mets place Matt Harvey on disabled listTeam doctors sending Harvey to Washington University Center for Thoracic Outlet Syndrome.Source: New York Times July 7, 2016 City firefighters train for emergencies on Medical CampusFire department and university partnership aimed at improving fire safety, emergency response.Medical Campus & Community July 5, 2016 Potential drug target identified for deadly brain cancerResearchers identify key protein in brain tumor formation.News Release Posts navigation ‹ Prev 1 … 31 32 33 34 35 … 43 Next ›