New York Times
Prostate cancer screening still not recommended for all
A study in The Lancet shows that routine PSA screening for the average middle-aged man would lowers the risk of dying of the disease by 21 percent. However, the average middle-aged man only has about a 3 percent chance of dying of prostate screening without screening. “I think there is a benefit to PSA testing, but unfortunately, we’ve been overdoing it, screening the wrong men, over-treating way too many men, and the benefit of screening is being outweighed by the side effects of overtreatment,” Dr. Gerald Andriole said.
Young kids diagnosed with depression can’t shake it later, study says
A study in The American Journal of Psychiatry shows that children diagnosed with depression in preschool are likely to continue to be depressed throughout adolescence. According to study author Dr. Joan Luby, “The good news is that if we can identify depression early, perhaps we have a window of opportunity to treat it more effectively.” Other outlets: Health Day/CBS News, Health 24, WAHU-TV (Charlottesville, VA) Science 2.0, PsychCentral Related WUSM news release
New Scientist
The super-abundant virus controlling your gut bacteria
A new virus called crAssphage has been discovered in the guts of nearly three-quarters of people around the world, according to a study published in the journal Nature Communications. Authors referenced findings in a 2010 study by Dr. Jeffrey Gordon that found viral communities vary widely within individuals, even between identical twins.
Related WUSM news release
New York Times
Baby pictures at the doctor’s? Cute, sure, but illegal
Reproductive endocrinologist Dr. Randy Odem commented on the practice of baby photo collages being prominently displayed in OB/GYN offices.
Associated Press
Missouri universities receive $20 million grant
Washington University is among several Missouri universities that will share a $20-million grant from the National Science Foundation for a five-year study on the potential impact of climate variations on agriculture, ecology and social issues. Other outlets: KWMU-St. Louis Public Radio, St. Louis Post-Dispatch, St. Louis Business Journal
Related WUSM news release
U.S. News & World Report
Everyone wins when birth control is free
An editorial references a 2012 WUSM study that found free birth control lowers abortion rates.
St. Louis Business Journal (subscription required for entire story)
St. Louis Character: Sally Schwarz
Sally Schwarz, nuclear pharmacist at Mallinckrodt Institute of Radiology and Washington University School of Medicine, was featured in the St. Louis Character section.
St. Louis Post-Dispatch
Senior Focus: Walking is good for arthritis
Dr. Richard Brasington explained that walking is a wonderful form of exercise that almost everyone can do, even people with arthritis.
KSDK-TV NewsChannel 5
Travel tips from the MomDocs
Dr. Kathleen Berchelmann shared tips for a safe and healthy family vacation – including packing the right first-aid kit, and avoiding foods made with mayonnaise.
St. Louis Post-Dispatch
Resident who questioned rare cancer link to Coldwater Creek dies
Shari Riley, one leader of a group of North County residents concerned about a possible link between contaminated Coldwater Creek and appendix cancer, has died of the disease. Dr. Graham Colditz has said the number of appendix cancers in North County is larger than expected for the population.
Camp Rhythm celebrates 10th year
SLCH cardiac nurse Charlotte Smock started Camp Rhythm 10 years ago when she discovered that one of her patients had been turned away from a camp because it couldn’t accommodate his unique medical needs. Camp Rhythm, for children with heart defects, is staffed by SLCH nurses and physicians who use their vacation time to run the week-long camp.
St. Louis Post-Dispatch
Back-to-school time means a focus on vaccines
In an editorial, WUSM pediatrics professor Dr. Ericka V. Hayes explained that “vaccines are powerful life-saving interventions. We should make sure infants, children, teenagers and adults receive them on schedule for their own health and for the health of everyone else.”
Other outlet:
KSDK-TV NewsChannel 5
Firefighters treat cerebral palsy patient to ride of his life
Jack McNaughton traveled from Scotland to receive heel-lengthening surgery at SLCH with Dr. Matt Dobbs. While in St. Louis, his family got to know Maryland Heights firefighters, who gave Jack a special ride when they learned of his fascination with fire trucks.
St. Louis Post-Dispatch
Hiring and firing your pediatrician
Answer line nurse Jill Mueller shared what parents should look for when they’re choosing a new pediatrician in the weekly Healthy Kids column, including visiting the office and interviewing the pediatrician in person.
Identifying symptoms of Chikungunya virus
Rheumatology specialist Dr. Deborah Lenschow explained symptoms, prevention strategies and treatment for the Chikungunya virus. Other outlet: St. Louis Post-Dispatch
KSDK-TV ShowMe St. Louis
Car seat safety
Kelly Klasek, a car seat technician at SLCH, explained how to properly install a car seat and encouraged parents to have their seats checked by experts at Safety Stop. This service is offered at SLCH, Progress West and The Magic House.
Umpires visit Children’s Hospital
Through the Umps Care charity, a group of Major League Baseball umpires visited SLCH patients and handed out Build-a-Bear stuffed animals.
St. Louis Magazine – Best Doctors Issue
August, 2014
Several WUSM physicians were featured in the Best Doctors issue of St. Louis Magazine:
Popular Science
Features work of systems biologist Michael White
Mapping Medicine
Highlights Center for Human Immunology and Immunotherapy Programs and diffuse optical tomography brain scanner at WUSM and SLCH renovation of its hematology and oncology floor.
In the Know doctors
Features Drs. Ellen Lockhart, John DiPersio and Jacqueline Saito.
Research Roundup
Features 10 WUSM studies.
The Gainesville Sun
UF in line for federal grant to research sepsis, a debilitating, infection-related condition
Dr. Richard Hotchkiss and University of Florida’s Lyle Moldawer’s co-authored a New England Journal of Medicine study on sepsis treatment.
Unintended consequences: More high school math, science linked to more dropouts
Reporting in the journal Educational Researcher, Dr. Andrew D. Plunk said that increasing math and science graduation requirements had an unexpected consequence. “There was an expectation that this was going to be good for students, but the evidence from our analyses suggests that many students ended up dropping out when school was made harder for them. African-Americans and Hispanics were especially affected.”
Other outlets: Science 2.0, Counsel & Heal Related WUSM news release
KRCU-FM(NPR affiliate Southeast MO)
Study: Smokers are more likely to commit suicide
New research from WUSM reveals smoking could boost the risk of individuals committing suicide.
Other outlet: Tech Times
Related WUSM news release
San Luis Obispo Tribune (California)
How to preserve your memory
Major depression increases levels of cortisol which, over time, damage the hippocampus, the part of the brain responsible for memory. Research conducted at WUSM and published in the journal European Psychiatry showed that people who suffered from depression experienced significant percent atrophy in the hippocampus.
The Daily Beast
Why men may be more likely to get deadly brain cancer
New research from Dr. Joshua Rubin shows that a protein that helps suppress tumors, especially in the brain, is more likely to be inactive in men.
Sun News Network (Canada)
New device can measure depth, volume of melanoma tumors
American researchers have developed the first probe to accurately measure how deep a melanoma tumor extends into the skin. They say the hand-held device will change the way doctors diagnose and treat skin cancer. The thicker the melanoma tumor, the more likely it will spread and the deadlier it can become, said dermatologist and study co-author Dr. Lynn Cornelius. Other outlets:
Daily Record (United Kingdom)
Family from Scotland prepares for follow-up visit to St. Louis
Jack McNaughton suffers from cerebral palsy. Four years ago, he traveled to SLCH for spinal surgery to relieve the muscle spasticity. Now, he is returning for a heel-lengthening procedure with orthopedic surgeon Dr. Matt Dobbs that will further improve his ability to walk.