A bi-weekly review of Barnes-Jewish Hospital, St. Louis Children's Hospital and Washington University School of Medicine media appearances.
IN THE NEWS June 1, 2020
As leaders in medicine, we are frequently featured in the media both locally and nationally. Here are highlights from the past two weeks:

CDC says possibly 'less than half' of positive antibody tests are correct
May 26, 2020
Dr. Christopher Farnsworth
Related news release

Fun beats fear in Rube Goldberg contest to fetch soap amid COVID-19 crisis
May 22, 2020
Dr. Anne Glowinski

From camping to dining out, experts rate the risk of 14 summer activities
May 23, 2020
Dr. Andrew Janowski

Drugmakers tout COVID-19 vaccines to refurbish their public image
Kaiser Health News
May 18, 2020
Dr. Michael Kinch

Running into trouble: Eager pandemic exercisers rack up injuries
Washington Post
May 30, 2020
Dr. Matt Matava

Coronavirus vaccine trials have delivered their first results - but their promise is still unclear
May 19, 2020
Dr. Michael Diamond

Don't use 'deaths of despair' as rationale for reopening the country too soon
STAT news
May 31, 2020
Dr. Jessica Gold

Why have the number of strokes fallen during the COVID-19 pandemic?
May 30, 2020
Dr. Akash Kansagra
Related news release

The race for a coronavirus cure
May 29, 2020
Dr. Michael Kinch

Uncles, aunts may influence a child's odds for autism
U.S. News & World Report
May 27, 2020
Dr. John Constantino

Wash U leads global study to test if malaria drug blocks coronavirus
KWMU (St. Louis Public Radio)
May 21, 2020
Dr. Michael Avidan, Dr. Mary Politi
Other outlets: Science News, St. Louis Post-Dispatch, KMOV-TV News4, KMOX (CBS radio St. Louis), South African Times, KSDK-TV NewsChannel5
Related news release

The pandemic is spiking anxiety. Before you take anti-anxiety medications, understand the risks
May 18, 2020
Dr. Jessica Gold

Wash U doctor answers questions from students (third and fourth graders)
KSDK-TV NewsChannel5
May 17, 2020
Dr. Jason Newland

Top doctors, mental health experts answer your questions on ‘Coronavirus House Calls’
WJW-TV/Fox 8 in Cleveland, OH
May 30, 2020
Dr. Jessica Gold

Hospitals in St. Louis see spike in children with gun injuries
St. Louis Post-Dispatch
May 19, 2020
Dr. Lindsay Clukies

St. Louis scientists studying why healthy people get COVID-19
May 21, 2020
Dr. Megan Cooper
Other outlets: KMOV-TV News4
Related news release

The problem with comparing health-care workers to soldiers on Memorial Day
May 25, 2020
Dr. Jessica Gold

Not all sleep is equal when it comes to cleaning the brain
Pakistan Daily Times
May 26, 2020
Dr. Randall Bateman

St. Louis doctors urge patients to seek necessary medical attention even during pandemic
KSDK-TV NewsChannel5
May 26, 2020
Dr. Akash Kansagra

Symptom-free partygoers could still spread virus
KSDK-TV NewsChannel5
May 27, 2020
Dr. Alexis Elward
Other outlets: KMOV-TV News4

Answering frequently asked questions on how to properly wear a mask
May 28, 2020
Alexis Elward

Scooting around a pandemic; Ride sharing resumes despite coronavirus concerns
KWMU (St. Louis Public Radio)
May 29, 2020
Dr. Andrew Janowski

Lake of the Ozarks partygoer tests positive for COVID-19
KSDK-TV NewsChannel5
May 29, 2020
Dr. Alexis Elward

Health Matters weekend show
KMOX (CBS radio St. Louis)
May 30, 2020
Dr. Alexis Elward, Dr. Neil Anderson, Dr. Megan Cooper

Contact us with your story ideas

Jessica Church

Washington University
School of Medicine
Media Relations



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