January 20, 2025 Study identifies benefits, risks linked to popular weight-loss drugs GLP-1 medications tied to decreased risk of dementia, addiction; increased risk of kidney, pancreas and gastrointestinal problems.News Release March 28, 2011 Soldiers screened for potential vulnerability to tinnitusNews Release March 25, 2011 Sports enthusiast helps cerebral palsy patients improve mobility with video gamesNews Release March 24, 2011 Repeated stress produces long-lasting resistance to stroke damage in the brainNews Release March 23, 2011 Mouse cancer genome unveils genetic errors in human cancersNews Release March 22, 2011 Wilson on most-cited authors’ listNational Leaders March 22, 2011 Genetic errors linked to life-threatening pregnancy disorderNews Release March 21, 2011 Scientists grow personalized collections of intestinal microbesNews Release March 17, 2011 Center for the Study of Itch opensNews Release March 14, 2011 Novel strategies target health-care-associated infectionsNews Release March 9, 2011 Helen Piwnica-Worms named head of cell biology and physiologyNews Release March 9, 2011 New Master of Science in Biostatistics accepting applicationsNews Release March 7, 2011 Raichle receives MetLife Award for Alzheimer’s researchNational Leaders March 7, 2011 Multiple sclerosis blocked in mouse modelNews Release March 7, 2011 Weight-loss surgery safe for less obese patientsNews Release March 7, 2011 Two drugs protect hearing better than oneNews Release March 7, 2011 Improving children’s lives: Intellectual and developmental disabilities researchNews Release December 13, 2010 Immunology lab identifies gene involved in limiting lung injuryNew research finds a gene that protects some patients with lung transplants and other injury from pneumonia, sepsis and other trauma.Innovate Magazines October 19, 2010 Study looks at how insurance mandates influence fertility treatmentWashington University research is looking at how insurance coverage of assisted reproductive technologies impacts patient choices and outcomes.Innovate Magazines October 1, 2010 Women’s reproductive health research career development centerWashington University’s Women’s Reproductive Health Research (WRHR) program helps train physicians and scientists in the field of women’s health research.Innovate Magazines September 23, 2010 Testing branched devices to fix iliac aneurysmsWashington University School of Medicine is part of a national trial to test a new device for fixing iliac aneurysms without open surgery.Innovate Magazines September 23, 2010 Making aortic valve replacement an option for the inoperableA procedure to replace a diseased heart valve has been approved for patients too frail to undergo open-heart surgery.Innovate Magazines June 25, 2010 Diagnose aortic dissection early, follow patients for a lifetimeWashington University is participating in the largest registry to collect information about aortic dissection, a potentially lethal heart condition.Innovate Magazines June 1, 2010 Comprehensive care for pulmonary hypertensionNew studies are working to improve treatments for pulmonary hypertension, a type of high blood pressure that affects arteries in the lungs.Innovate Magazines April 6, 2010 Protecting memoryWashington University physicians are applying the principles of preventive medicine to their research into Alzheimer’s disease.Innovate Magazines, School of Medicine March 5, 2010 Endometrial cancer research focus of $1.7 million grantWashington University has received $1.7 million to study the genetic changes related to the diagnosis and treatment of endometrial and related cancers.Innovate Magazines Posts navigation ‹ Prev 1 … 115 116 117