January 20, 2025 Study identifies benefits, risks linked to popular weight-loss drugs GLP-1 medications tied to decreased risk of dementia, addiction; increased risk of kidney, pancreas and gastrointestinal problems.News Release October 1, 2014 Teen pregnancies, abortions plunge with free birth controlNews Release October 1, 2014 Eight ways to prevent breast cancerNews Release September 26, 2014 Graham Colditz, MD, DrPHRecipient of 2014 Award for Outstanding Achievement in Cancer Prevention Research.National Leaders September 25, 2014 Colditz to be honored for cancer prevention researchNews Release September 25, 2014 Peers, not genetics, make teens more likely to drinkSource: CBS News September 24, 2014 Discovery may lead to better treatments for autoimmune diseases, bone lossNews Release September 23, 2014 Gene protects teens from alcohol problems but not if they drink with friendsNews Release September 22, 2014 Ramaswamy Govindan, MDAlong the way to becoming a physician, Govindan journeyed from his native India to the U.S. and helped to navigate the frontiers of cancer care.Washington People September 19, 2014 Westerhouse named associate vice chancellor for Medical Public AffairsNews Release September 18, 2014 Schizophrenia is actually eight distinct genetic disorders: New studySource: Newsweek September 18, 2014 Healthy humans make nice homes for virusesNews Release September 17, 2014 Think you’re healthy? You may be carrying around viruses you don’t even know aboutSource: Washington Post September 17, 2014 In mice, vaccine stops urinary tract infections linked to cathetersNews Release September 16, 2014 Man survives rare cancer thanks to new ‘targeted’ therapySource: ABC news September 15, 2014 Beyond MarriageSource: New York Times September 15, 2014 Schizophrenia is eight different diseases, not oneSource: USA Today September 15, 2014 Schizophrenia not a single disease but multiple genetically distinct disordersNews Release September 10, 2014 Sheets, towels, TV remotes key reservoirs for MRSA contaminationSource: Fox News September 9, 2014 Study sheds light on asthma and respiratory virusesNews Release September 8, 2014 Mark Thoelke, MDFrom bellhop to hospitalist, Thoelke’s tireless work ethic stands out.Washington People September 5, 2014 Wong named Green Professor of Pediatric NeurologyNews Release September 5, 2014 Will the NFL be safer this year?Source: PBS Newshour September 4, 2014 Uninformed breast cancer patients more apt to consider removing unaffected breastSource: Fox News September 3, 2014 Carr becomes first Wolff professor of geriatric medicineNews Release August 28, 2014 How Ebola kills you: It’s not the virusSource: NPR August 28, 2014 Nussenbaum named director of head and neck surgical oncology divisionNews Release August 27, 2014 Different forms of Alzheimer’s have similar effects on brain networksNews Release August 27, 2014 A Main Street way to help obese peopleSource: Huffington Post August 27, 2014 New technology may identify tiny strains in body tissues before injuries occurNews Release August 26, 2014 WUSTL scientists among world’s most influentialThomson Reuters’ ScienceWatch includes 18 Washington University scientists.National Leaders August 21, 2014 The Big Picture: Cell biology as artExhibit presents the beauty that scientists uncover in the process of scientific inquiry.Outlook Magazine, Photo Gallery August 21, 2014 What we can do for Cantu syndromeThe world’s only clinic explores the science behind a rare syndrome.Outlook Magazine August 21, 2014 Cancer visionAbility to see glowing cancer cells opens doors to precision treatments.Outlook Magazine August 21, 2014 Blood transfusions could reduce strokes in kids with sickle-cell anemiaSource: Time August 21, 2014 White Coat Ceremony 2014The School of Medicine welcomed new medical students to the school and the medical profession at this annual ceremony. Students also pledged an oath written by the class during orientation week.Photo Gallery August 20, 2014 Monthly transfusions reduce strokes in children with sickle cell anemiaNews Release Posts navigation ‹ Prev 1 … 85 86 87 88 89 … 117 Next ›