Tag: Graham Colditz December 5, 2024 Analyzing multiple mammograms improves breast cancer risk predictionAI method spots subtle changes over time, enhances accuracy of determining 5-year risk.News Release May 5, 2023 Change in breast density over time linked to cancer riskMonitoring density in each breast could help assess risk.News Release November 5, 2021 Cancer moonshot grant funds research into reducing health disparitiesWill engage patients, survivors in studying rare cancer, tumors affecting African Americans.News Release April 21, 2020 Podcast: Preserving mental, physical health while isolating at homeHealthy diet, exercise can help those adhering to pandemic's stay-at-home orders.Podcast, Show Me the Science October 16, 2019 $7.6 million funds center to fight cancer disparities in Missouri, IllinoisImplementation Science Center for Cancer Control will benefit from researchers on Danforth and Medical campuses.News Release August 6, 2019 Colditz appointed to NIH councilGroup advises director on research, public health.National Leaders July 5, 2019 Men who eat yogurt may have lower colon cancer riskSource: Reuters April 23, 2019 Despite health warnings, Americans still sit too muchSurvey of 50,000 people across multiple ages, racial, ethnic groups documents troubling trends.News Release March 13, 2018 2018 Distinguished Faculty, Goldstein honors awardedMedical school faculty honored for dedication, talent, achievements.Medical Campus & Community January 4, 2018 In new year, resolve to learn your risks of cancer, Type 2 diabetes, other diseasesFree digital tool measures risks, offers tips for better health.News Release November 20, 2017 Seven faculty named 2017 AAAS fellowsCaparon, Colditz, Cooper, Diamond, Dutcher, Eberlein and Gross honored.News Release September 27, 2017 Colditz appointed chair of National Academies of Sciences WorkshopWill discuss improving health research on small populations.National Leaders Posts navigation 1 2 Next ›