Tag: gut microbiome June 23, 2021 New snack foods nurture healthy gut microbiomeMicrobiome-modifying foods designed with specific combinations of plant fibers.News Release June 7, 2021 Global travelers pick up numerous genes that promote microbial resistanceSuch genes have potential to spread when travelers return home.News Release April 9, 2021 Gordon receives Kober Medal‘Father of microbiome’ honored by Association of American Physicians.News Release, Video April 7, 2021 For malnourished children, a new type of microbiome-directed food boosts growthNew food is designed to nurture healthy gut microbes.News Release July 22, 2020 Specific bacteria help explain stunted growth in malnourished children14 types of bacteria in small intestine linked to stunted growth, inflammation.News Release April 1, 2020 Lifestyle trumps geography in determining makeup of gut microbiomeCaptive apes’ microbiomes more similar to some humans’ than to wild apes’.News Release November 25, 2019 Gut microbes alter characteristics of norovirus infectionFindings, in mice, could guide research into future therapies.News Release October 9, 2019 Human gut microbes could make processed foods healthierA specific microbe can break down a chemical common in manufactured foods.News Release September 19, 2019 For gut microbes, not all types of fiber are created equalBeneficial microbes pursue certain types of dietary fiber, findings that could aid design of foods.News Release September 9, 2019 Use of antibiotics in preemies has lasting, potentially harmful effectsDrug resistance, unhealthy bacteria persist in gut microbiome.News Release August 12, 2019 Gut makeup could make diarrhea less likelyMolecular signature of a diarrhea-resistant gut found.News Release July 11, 2019 For malnourished children, new therapeutic food boosts gut microbes, healthy developmentNew approach targeting gut microbes proves superior to standard treatment.News Release Posts navigation ‹ Prev 1 2 3 Next ›