Tag: opioids May 30, 2017 Drug believed to reduce postoperative pain and delirium does neitherStudy shows ketamine may spur hallucinations, nightmares in older patients.News Release March 21, 2017 Spinal cord stimulation relieves back pain without opioidsNew approaches can help in battling opioid abuse.News Release April 27, 2016 Doctors recommend prescribing fewer opioids after surgeryAnesthesiologist and surgeon suggest new approaches to pain medications for surgery patients.News Release September 21, 2015 Pharmacy-medical school partnership forms to identify new pain therapiesSource: Forbes March 12, 2015 Harder-to-abuse OxyContin doesn’t stop addictsSource: CBS News November 18, 2014 Federal drug agents launch surprise inspections of NFL teams following gamesSource: Washington Post Posts navigation ‹ Prev 1 2