Topic: Radiology / Mallinckrodt Institute July 12, 2018 Schindler honored by medical imaging societyRecognized with Blumgart award for imaging the heart.National Leaders June 24, 2018 Wahl receives nuclear medicine awardHonored for work on cancer imaging, targeting tumors with radiation.National Leaders May 7, 2018 Ances installed as inaugural Brennan ProfessorResearch focuses on Alzheimer’s diagnosis, treatment.News Release May 4, 2018 Vedantham-led team honored for clinical researchWork showed most clots don’t need to be treated with clot-busting drugs.Medical Campus & Community April 18, 2018 Brain scans may help diagnose neurological, psychiatric disordersStudy shows that brain networks reliably track individuals over time.News Release April 3, 2018 For women with kidney cancer, belly fat mattersAbdominal fat linked to shorter survival.News Release March 29, 2018 Slow, steady waves keep brain hummingSuch rhythmic waves linked to state of consciousness.News Release February 23, 2018 CT scans offer a glimpse into lives of 3 Egyptian mummiesRadiologists’ expertise contributes to new exhibit at Saint Louis Art Museum.Medical Campus & Community February 14, 2018 Cutting off cervical cancer’s fuel supply stymies tumorsDrug combo shuts down tumor metabolism, mouse study shows.News Release January 24, 2018 Light-triggered nanoparticles show promise against metastatic cancerTumor imaging technique has potential as anti-cancer weapon, mouse study shows.News Release January 23, 2018 Genetic lung disease’s molecular roots identifiedInsight into primary ciliary dyskinesia could aid treatment.News Release January 17, 2018 Major Alzheimer’s study aims to predict who will develop the disease$10.3 million also funds efforts to establish disease timeline.News Release, Video December 12, 2017 Medical School faculty named to National Academy of InventorsAchilefu, Holtzman, Leuthardt honored for innovation.News Release December 6, 2017 Clot-busting drugs not recommended for most patients with blood clotsLarge clinical trial concludes such treatment does not prevent long-term complications.News Release October 25, 2017 Khanna named chief of pediatric radiologyAlso becomes radiologist-in-chief at St. Louis Children's Hospital.News Release October 2, 2017 Making the invisible visibleImaging center brings the science of life to light.Outlook Magazine September 21, 2017 Clues to ancient past: baby mummy, dinosaur skulls scannedDetailed images aid efforts to learn about ancient Egyptian life, dinosaur brain development.News Release, Photo Gallery September 13, 2017 Dehdashti, McKinstry, Woodard named radiology division directorsThe 3 now lead nuclear medicine, diagnostic imaging and radiology research facilities.News Release August 24, 2017 Washington University sets records in innovation, entrepreneurshipRecord number of patent filings, invention disclosures, startups and more.Medical Campus & Community June 8, 2017 Special brain scans may predict autism in high-risk babiesSource: U.S. News & World Report April 4, 2017 $3.6 million to fund personalized 3-D brain maps to guide neurosurgeriesAcademic-industry partnership aims to improve brain surgery.News Release February 9, 2017 Brain network connections may underlie social behavior linked to autismMulticenter research effort may help identify autism risk earlier in life.News Release November 17, 2016 Washington University invests $25 million in imaging sciencesInitiative will feature engineering, medicine collaborations.News Release November 2, 2016 Earlier Alzheimer’s diagnosis may be possible with new imaging compoundNew tool detects Alzheimer’s protein, may help identify brain changes, assess treatment effects.News Release Posts navigation ‹ Prev 1 2 3 4 5 6 Next ›