Dahiya named to international brain tumor working committee
Expert on diagnostic and prognostic markers for brain tumors

Neuropathologist Sonika Dahiya, MD, a professor of pathology & immunology and the chief of the neuro-oncology section at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, has been named to the Working Committee of the Consortium to Inform Molecular and Practical Approaches to CNS Tumor Taxonomy (cIMPACT-NOW).
The consortium was established under the sponsorship of the International Society of Neuropathology to evaluate the classification criteria for brain and spinal cord tumors and propose changes if needed. By refining the classification schema for brain and spinal cord tumors, the consortium aims to improve diagnostic accuracy and help physicians determine the most appropriate treatment for each patient. Dahiya brings expertise in the discovery of diagnostic, prognostic and predictive markers in brain tumors to the team.
For more information, see here.