Distinguished Faculty, Goldstein honors awarded
Nominated by their peers, School of Medicine faculty were honored for their dedication, talent and wide-ranging achievements

WEDNESDAY, FEB. 17, 2016 - This is the annual Faculty Awards Ceremony at the Washington University School of Medicine. ©Photo by Jerry Naunheim Jr.
Several Washington University School of Medicine faculty members recently were honored with Distinguished Faculty Awards for their dedication, talent and wide-ranging achievements.
The recipients were nominated by their peers to recognize achievements in clinical care, community service, research and teaching. They received the awards in a ceremony Feb. 17 at the Eric P. Newman Education Center on the Medical Campus.
This year’s winners of the Samuel R. Goldstein Leadership Awards in Medical Student Education also were honored at the event. The Goldstein awards recognize outstanding teaching and commitment to medical education. Recipients were selected by a committee of faculty members.

“This was the first Distinguished Faculty Awards ceremony I’ve been involved in since becoming dean, and I feel very fortunate to be surrounded by so many dedicated and talented people,” said David H. Perlmutter, MD, executive vice chancellor for medical affairs and dean of the School of Medicine. “Recipients of the Distinguished Faculty Awards and Goldstein Leadership Awards have made profound contributions to the School of Medicine in patient care, education, research and community service, touching the personal and professional lives of so many people in so many ways. It’s an honor knowing and working with them and seeing what they bring to our academic community.”
This year’s Distinguished Faculty and Goldstein award recipients are:
Distinguished Clinician Award
- Jeffrey D. Bradley, MD, the S. Lee Kling Professor of Radiation Oncology
- William D. Middleton, MD, professor of radiology
- David W. Molter, MD, professor of otolaryngology
Distinguished Investigator Award
- Daniel Kerschensteiner, MD, associate professor of ophthalmology and visual sciences, of anatomy and neurobiology and of biomedical engineering
- Kelly R. Monk, PhD, assistant professor of developmental biology
- Jean E. Schaffer, MD, the Virginia Minnich Distinguished Professor of Medicine and professor of developmental biology
- Gary D. Stormo, PhD, the Joseph Erlanger Professor of Genetics and professor of biomedical engineering and of computer science
Daniel P. Schuster Award for Distinguished Work in Clinical and Translational Science
- Jeffrey F. Peipert, MD, PhD, the Robert J. Terry Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology
Distinguished Educator Awards
Clinical Fellow Mentoring
- Brenda J. Grossman, MD, associate professor of pathology and immunology and of medicine
Graduate Student Teaching
- Kenneth B. Schechtman, PhD, associate professor of biostatistics and of medicine
House Staff Teaching
- Muhammad T. Al-Lozi, MD, professor of neurology

Samuel R. Goldstein Leadership Awards in Medical Student Education
- David B. Clifford, MD, the Melba and Forest Seay Professor of Clinical Neuropharmacology in Neurology and professor of medicine
- Amanda R. Emke, MD, assistant professor of pediatrics
- Wayne M. Yokoyama, MD, the Sam and Audrey Loew Levin Professor of Medicine, professor of pathology and immunology, and Howard Hughes medical Institute Investigator in Medicine
Distinguished Community Service
- Joaquin Barnoya, MD, associate professor of surgery
- Susan L. Stark, PhD, assistant professor of occupational therapy, of neurology and of social work.

Read more information about the award winners.